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Automated Cervical Percutaneous Nucleotomy



Several out-patient checks are made after 15 days, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year after the ACPN procedure. 

Domiciiary physiotherapy begins 7 days after ACPN. 

No cervical immobilization orthesis is used , except in cases when ACPN at 2 levels at the same time is carried out, or also if there is any muscle pain at the back vertebral joints after the technique is made. 

In x-ray control after procedure, a discal interspace decrease (60-70% cases) is found. A complete collapse of this discal interspace was observed in 6 cases, which is only 1,3% of total cases.


Cirugía Vertebral Mínimamente Invasiva

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